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Todo List

Member mcElementArrayHelpers::data_Move (int n, int k)
TEST this function

Member mcFilter::math_AddAllowedMathData ()
code this->..

Member mcFunctionHelpers::data_SetFncType (int n)
Define relations between mcFunction & script much better: we need to know a lot of things more from a scriptfunction: its math properties, its domain ....

Class mcMathLineHelpers
Besides, the ability to use a bitmap for the output, also gives mcMathLineHelpers the new feature of "equation wrap": when an equation is too long, mcMathLineHelpers can break it up in various pieces...

Class mcNumber
math_Add range checking: try to enter too high numbers should generate a warning - IS THIS REQUIRED SINCE WE USE MAPM ?

Member mcNumberHelpers::math_SimplifyBaseExp (long flags, mcElement *pnew)
Creation of a perfect-power finder algorithm...

Member mcSolver::math_Solve (const mcMathOrSystem &, mcSystemStepArray &)
define solver behaviour for multiple unknowns or equations.


Page Input flow chart
When user moves cursor on math area, create a tooltip with type of data and miscellaneous info about the under-cursor element

Page Input flow chart
Add a plotter with ExportToPOV function

Page Input flow chart
Add a queue to mcElement for special messages like gui_RecalcSize or CheckArray; in this way, tasks are accomplished only when all changes have been made (no multiple gui_RecalcSize inside one function).

Documentation generated with Doxygen on Sun Feb 6 17:13:19 2005
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