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mcElement Class Reference

#include <Element.h>

Inheritance diagram for mcElement:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for mcElement:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Base abstract class for nearly all MathCore classes.

This is the base class of an element typed by the user (a mcNumber, mcFraction, mcSymbol...); this is an abstract class and cannot be allocated directly; you can just use pointers and down-casts with mcElement classes. You can be sure that each mcElement derived class has the methods declared here, so you can always cast an unknown derived class to mcElement and use the mcElement functions:

    mcElement mynewelem;
    ((mcElement )pt).gui_Input(wxT('2'), '2'); // if you want to feed the class
             // with a char, just use gui_Input function
    if (((mcElement )pt).data_GetType() == mcET_SYMBOL) // use data_GetType() if you want to run
         char c = ((mcElement )pt).GetSymbol(); // specific functions defined only
                // in a specific derived class

Definition at line 1792 of file Element.h.

Public Member Functions

 mcElement ()
 Main constructor.
 mcElement (const mcElementHelpers *helpers)
 Constructs a mcElement wrapping the given helpers.
virtual ~mcElement ()
 Destructor of the element.
 Returns a pointer to a new object identical to the current element.
virtual void data_DeepCopy (const mcElement &p)
 Deep copies all the info contained in this class.
virtual mcElement data_GetNewElemLikeThis () const
 Creates a new element of the same type of *this and returns it empty.
virtual bool data_isValidContainerFor (mcElementType t) const
 Returns TRUE if this element can safely contain the given element type.
void data_Check () const
void data_CheckContainer () const
wxString data_GetDebug (int, long) const
wxString data_GetDebugName (int, long) const
mcWRAPPER void data_AddProperty (int p, void *val1=NULL, void *val2=NULL)
mcWRAPPER void data_RemoveProperty (int p)
mcWRAPPER bool data_hasProperty (int p) const
mcWRAPPER void data_AddRecursiveProperty (mcElementType t, int p, void *val1=NULL, void *val2=NULL)
mcWRAPPER void data_RemoveRecursiveProperty (mcElementType t, int p)
mcWRAPPER bool data_hasRecursiveProperty (mcElementType t, int p) const
mcWRAPPER int data_GetChildrenCount () const
mcWRAPPER const mcElementdata_GetConstChild (int n) const
mcWRAPPER mcElementdata_GetChild (int n)
mcWRAPPER void data_SetChild (int idx, const mcElement &newchild)
mcWRAPPER int data_GetChildIdx (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER bool data_AddChildrenTo (mcElement p)
mcWRAPPER bool data_isSameAs (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER void gui_UpdateExpDepth ()
mcWRAPPER mcElementType data_GetType () const
mcWRAPPER int data_GetID () const
mcWRAPPER int data_GetMemoryInfo () const
mcWRAPPER mcElementdata_GetElemFromID (int id) const
mcWRAPPER void data_Update ()
mcWRAPPER bool data_isAllowedBefore (mcElementType type) const
mcWRAPPER bool data_isAllowedAfter (mcElementType type) const
mcWRAPPER void gui_SetAsExpOf (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER void gui_SetAtSameLevelOf (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER void gui_SetExpDepth (int n)
mcWRAPPER bool gui_isBeginKey (const mcKey &ev) const
mcWRAPPER bool gui_isEndKey (const mcKey &ev) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_Draw (wxDC &dc, int x, int y, long flags, const wxPoint &pt) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetRelCursorPos (wxDC &dc, wxPoint *pt) const
mcWRAPPER void gui_GetCursorPos (mcCursorPos &cp) const
mcWRAPPER mcCursorPos gui_GetCursorPos () const
mcWRAPPER mcElement gui_GetSelection () const
mcWRAPPER bool gui_isAllSelected () const
mcWRAPPER bool gui_isSplittable () const
mcWRAPPER bool gui_isSelected () const
mcWRAPPER void gui_SetStyleArray (const mcStyleArray *p)
mcWRAPPER void gui_OnRecalcSize (wxSize old)
mcWRAPPER void gui_DoRecalcSize ()
mcWRAPPER mcInputRes gui_Input (const mcKey &ev, mcElement *newelem)
mcWRAPPER mcInsertRes gui_Insert (const mcElement &toinsert, mcElement *newelem)
mcWRAPPER int gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint (wxDC &dc, const wxPoint &p)
mcWRAPPER mcMoveCursorRes gui_MoveCursor (mcMoveCursorFlag flag, long modifiers)
mcWRAPPER void gui_SetCursorPos (const mcCursorPos &code)
mcWRAPPER void gui_DeleteSelection ()
mcWRAPPER mcElementgui_GetActiveElem (int x, int y, const wxPoint &pt) const
mcWRAPPER void gui_DeepRecalcSize ()
mcWRAPPER void gui_SelectAll ()
mcWRAPPER void gui_DeSelect ()
mcWRAPPER void gui_Select ()
mcWRAPPER void gui_OnSelect (wxDC &dc, wxRect &rc)
mcWRAPPER bool gui_Split (mcElement *p)
mcWRAPPER bool gui_MergeWith (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER bool gui_LetInCursor (mcCursorPos code)
mcWRAPPER void gui_RecalcSize ()
mcWRAPPER wxSize gui_GetSize () const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetWidth () const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetHeight () const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetExpDepth () const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetYAnchor () const
mcWRAPPER const mcStylegui_GetStyle (int n) const
mcWRAPPER wxSize gui_GetSizeOfChar (wxDC *dc=NULL, const mcElement &p=mcEmptyElement) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetHeightOfChar (wxDC *dc, const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetWidthOfChar (wxDC *dc, const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER const mcStylegui_GetStyleForThis () const
mcWRAPPER void gui_SelectStyle (wxDC &dc) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetThickness (wxDC *dc) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetBaseOffsety (int h) const
mcWRAPPER int gui_GetSubscriptOffsety (int h) const
mcWRAPPER mcElement math_Find (int n, const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER mcElement math_FindInChildrenOnly (int n, const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_NonRecursiveFindInChildren (int n, const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetCountOf (const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetCountOfChildrenOnly (const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_Replace (const mcElement &tofind, int n, long flags, const mcElement &replacement, bool bAttachChildren)
mcWRAPPER int math_GetCountOf (const mcSymbolProperties *sym, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetCountOf (const mcSymbolArray *arr, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetCountOfSymbolsType (const mcSymbolArray *arr, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_Contains (const mcElement &p, long flags=mcFIND_NOFLAGS) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsOneOf (const mcSymbolArray *arr) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsSymbol (const mcSymbolProperties *p, const mcPolynomial &exp=mcEmptyPolynomial) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsNumber (const mcRealValue &n, const mcPolynomial &exp=mcEmptyPolynomial) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsUnknowns () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsConstants () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsParameters () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsSymbols () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_ContainsInvalidSymbols () const
mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes math_MaxSimplify (long flags)
mcWRAPPER bool math_isMaxSimplified (long flags) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetSymbolList (mcSymbol **arr, int size, const mcSymbol &tofind) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetSymbolList (mcSymbol **arr, int size, mcSymbolProperties &tofind) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_isConstant () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_EvaluatesTo (const mcRealValue &val) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_isFinite () const
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_RaiseTo (const mcPolynomial &p)
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_MakeReciprocal (mcElement *p)
mcWRAPPER void math_SetExp (const mcPolynomial &p)
mcWRAPPER mcRealValue math_GetTotalLenght () const
mcWRAPPER void math_SimpleAdd (const mcElement &p, bool add=TRUE)
mcWRAPPER void math_SimpleSubtract (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER void math_SimpleMultiplyBy (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER void math_SimpleDivideBy (const mcElement &p)
mcWRAPPER void math_SimpleRaiseTo (const mcPolynomial &pol)
mcWRAPPER bool math_isValidMath () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_isListedBeforeOf (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER mcMathType math_GetMathType () const
mcWRAPPER mcRealValue math_GetLenght () const
mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes math_Simplify (long flags, mcElement *newelem)
mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes math_Expand (long flags, mcElement *newelem)
mcWRAPPER bool math_Compare (const mcElement &p, long flags) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_CompareThisOnly (const mcElement &p, long flags) const
mcWRAPPER mcRealValue math_Evaluate () const
mcWRAPPER mcRealValue math_EvaluateAt (const mcSymbolProperties *sym, const mcRealValue &symvalue) const
mcWRAPPER int math_GetOrderPos () const
mcWRAPPER bool math_CanBeAddedWith (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_CanBeMultWith (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER bool math_CanBeDivBy (const mcElement &p) const
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_Add (const mcElement &e, mcElement *pp, bool add=TRUE)
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_Subtract (const mcElement &e, mcElement *pp)
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_MultiplyBy (const mcElement &e, mcElement *pp)
mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes math_DivideBy (const mcElement &e, mcElement *pp)
mcMonomial math_GetLCM (const mcElement &p) const
mcMonomial math_GetGCD (const mcElement &p) const
mcMonomial math_GetFactors () const
mcElement operator * (const mcElement &m) const
mcElement operator/ (const mcElement &m) const
mcElement operator- (const mcElement &m) const
mcElement operator+ (const mcElement &m) const
mcElement operator^ (const mcPolynomial &m) const
mcElement operator^ (const mcRealValue &m) const
mcElementoperator^= (const mcPolynomial &m)
mcElementoperator^= (const mcRealValue &m)
mcElementoperator+= (const mcElement &m)
mcElementoperator-= (const mcElement &m)
mcElementoperator *= (const mcElement &m)
mcElementoperator/= (const mcElement &m)
mcWRAPPER bool io_isBeginTag (const wxXml2Node &tag) const
mcWRAPPER bool io_isBeginChar (const wxString &str) const
mcWRAPPER wxXml2Node io_GetMathML (bool bGetPresentation) const
mcWRAPPER wxString io_GetInlinedExpr () const
mcWRAPPER bool io_ImportPresentationMathML (wxXml2Node tag, wxString &pErr)
mcWRAPPER bool io_ImportInlinedExpr (const wxString &str, int *count, wxString &pErr)
COW functions
The mcElement Copy-On-Write (COW) system.

mcObjectRefDatadata_MakePrivateCopy ()
 Returns a private copy of the currently shared data.
void data_Ref (const mcObject &toclone)
 Changes the reference data but first checks that this object can safely contain the given mcElementHelpers-derived class, using the data_isValidContainerFor function.
mcElementHelpersphlp ()
 Returns a private copy of the associated mcElement.
const mcElementHelperschlp () const
 Returns the (shared) helpers class container.
bool data_isOk () const
 Returns TRUE if the referenced data is allocated.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mcElement::mcElement  )  [inline]

Main constructor.

Requires a valid pointer to the parent of the element.

p A pointer to the parent element; if NULL, this element is set as the root of the mcElement objects tree.
Be sure that derived classes' constructors do not call any function which uses mcMathCore::isKeyBeginKey.

Definition at line 1845 of file Element.h.

Referenced by mcDEFINE_HLP_GETTER().

mcElement::mcElement const mcElementHelpers helpers  ) 

Constructs a mcElement wrapping the given helpers.

Definition at line 314 of file Element.cpp.

References mcObject::data_GetRefData(), mcObjectRefData::data_IncRefCount(), data_MakePrivateCopy(), and mcObject::data_SetRefData().

mcElement::~mcElement  )  [virtual]

Destructor of the element.

Definition at line 328 of file Element.cpp.

References chlp(), mcObject::data_GetRefData(), mcMathCore::Get(), mcMathCore::m_nMaxSharing, and mcMAX.

Member Function Documentation

const mcElementHelpers* mcElement::chlp  )  const [inline]

Returns the (shared) helpers class container.

This function has different name from #GetHelpers() since its work-mode is different.

Never cast the returned pointer to something non-const since the given pointer could be a shared pointer.

Reimplemented in mcMathLine.

Definition at line 1826 of file Element.h.

References mcObject::data_GetRefData().

Referenced by data_MakePrivateCopy(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_Get(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcElementHelpers::math_RecursiveFindInChildrenOnly(), mcDEFINE_HLP_GETTER(), and ~mcElement().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_AddChildrenTo mcElement  p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1970 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_AddProperty int  p,
void *  val1 = NULL,
void *  val2 = NULL

Definition at line 1945 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::data_AddNewEmptyBox(), mcPolynomialHelpers::data_AddNewEmptyMonomial(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_ReplaceBracket(), mcAddSubOp::mcAddSubOp(), and mcMultDivOp::mcMultDivOp().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_AddRecursiveProperty mcElementType  t,
int  p,
void *  val1 = NULL,
void *  val2 = NULL

Definition at line 1952 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::data_AddRecursiveProperty().

void mcElement::data_Check  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1935 of file Element.h.

Referenced by mcSystemStepArray::data_Check(), mcPolynomialHelpers::data_ReplaceParentheses(), mcFractionHelpers::data_SetDen(), mcFractionHelpers::data_SetNum(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_AddNewElement(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_DistributeBracket(), mcFractionHelpers::math_DivideBy(), mcPolySolver::math_GetPolyCoeff(), mcFractionHelpers::math_SimplifyFactors(), mcPolySolver::math_SolveLineSecondDegree(), and mcMathCore::SetupMath().

void mcElement::data_CheckContainer  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1936 of file Element.h.

Referenced by data_Ref(), and mcMathLine::mcMathLine().

virtual void mcElement::data_DeepCopy const mcElement p  )  [inline, virtual]

Deep copies all the info contained in this class.

The mcElement implementation should be enough because all the element's data should be contained inside the associated mcElementData derived class. In fact, mcElementData does not provide a standard implementation of the DeepCopy() function. mcElement-derived classes, instead, should not contain any other variable, so this function should be enough....

Definition at line 1882 of file Element.h.

Referenced by mcParenthesisHelpers::data_DeepCopy(), mcMathMngHelpers::data_DeepCopy(), mcFunctionHelpers::data_DeepCopy(), mcFractionHelpers::data_DeepCopy(), mcExpContainerHelpers::data_DeepCopy(), mcExpElementHelpers::data_DeepCopyExpSub(), mcFunctionHelpers::data_SetArgObj(), mcExpElementHelpers::data_SetExpSub(), mcMathMngHelpers::data_SetMember(), and mcFunctionHelpers::data_SetNameObj().

mcWRAPPER mcElement& mcElement::data_GetChild int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1964 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::data_GetChildIdx const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1968 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::data_GetChildrenCount  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1960 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER const mcElement& mcElement::data_GetConstChild int  n  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1962 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

wxString mcElement::data_GetDebug int  ,
const [inline]

Definition at line 1937 of file Element.h.

wxString mcElement::data_GetDebugName int  ,
const [inline]

Definition at line 1939 of file Element.h.

mcWRAPPER mcElement& mcElement::data_GetElemFromID int  id  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1985 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::data_GetElemFromID().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::data_GetID  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1980 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::data_GetMemoryInfo  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1982 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

virtual mcElement mcElement::data_GetNewElemLikeThis  )  const [inline, virtual]

Creates a new element of the same type of *this and returns it empty.

This function is very useful in the base classes (mcExpElement, mcElementArray...) where the programmer (and the compiler !) cannot know what type of derived class is the one executing that code.

Definition at line 1889 of file Element.h.

References data_GetType(), and mcElementHelpers::data_NewElem().

mcWRAPPER mcElementType mcElement::data_GetType  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1978 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::data_AddChildrenTo(), mcElementArrayHelpers::data_AddElements(), mcBracketHelpers::data_ChooseBracketType(), mcFunction::data_GetFunctionType(), data_GetNewElemLikeThis(), mcElementArrayHelpers::data_GetOpTypeBetween(), mcElementArrayHelpers::data_GetOpTypePreceding(), mcPolynomialHelpers::data_GetRefFromEntry(), mcMultDivOpHelpers::data_isDivOp(), mcMultDivOpHelpers::data_isMultOp(), mcPolynomialHelpers::data_ReplaceParentheses(), mcParenthesisHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetSelection(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_MergeWith(), mcFractionHelpers::io_CheckBracketNeed(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_Compare(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_DetachNonCommonFactors(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_DistributeBracket(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_EmbedInBracket(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_EmbedInBracket(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_EmbedInFraction(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_EmbedInRadical(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_GetConstExp(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_GetConstSub(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetGCD(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_GetOpBetween(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_GetOpPreceding(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_ReorderElements(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_SimplifyCoeff(), mcRadicalHelpers::math_SimplifyContents(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_SimplifyExp(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_SimplifySolveOp(), mcAddSubOp::mcAddSubOp(), and mcMultDivOp::mcMultDivOp().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_hasProperty int  p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1949 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_hasRecursiveProperty mcElementType  t,
int  p
const [inline]

Definition at line 1957 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_isAllowedAfter mcElementType  type  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1992 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_isAllowedBefore mcElementType  type  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1990 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::gui_MergeWith().

bool mcElement::data_isOk  )  const [inline]

Returns TRUE if the referenced data is allocated.

If the reference data is not allocated, then almost all the mcElement function won't work and will raise an exception.

Definition at line 1831 of file Element.h.

Referenced by mcExpElementHelpers::data_CreateExpSub().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::data_isSameAs const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1973 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

virtual bool mcElement::data_isValidContainerFor mcElementType  t  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns TRUE if this element can safely contain the given element type.

Without this function a lot of errors could be undetectable:

        mcPolynomial pol; // creates a new polynomial
        mcElement e(pol); // references it
        [...]    // the programmers forgots what "e" references
        mcFraction f(e);  // mcFraction wraps a mcPolynomialHelpers class !
        f.data_GetNum();  // CRASH

This function must be overridden by mcElement-derived classes in order to provide a list of the mcElementType it can safely contain.

Reimplemented in mcAddSubOp, mcBracket, mcDecoration, mcElementArray, mcEmptyBox, mcExpContainer, mcExpElement, mcFraction, mcFunction, mcMathAndSystem, mcMathLine, mcMathMng, mcMathOrSystem, mcMathSystem, mcMonomial, mcMultDivOp, mcNumber, mcOperator, mcParenthesis, mcPolynomial, mcRadical, mcSymbol, and mcText.

Definition at line 1905 of file Element.h.

mcObjectRefData * mcElement::data_MakePrivateCopy  )  [virtual]

Returns a private copy of the currently shared data.

Implements mcObject.

Definition at line 491 of file Element.cpp.

References chlp(), mcElementHelpers::data_Clone(), mcObjectRefData::data_GetRefCount(), mcObject::data_GetRefData(), mcObject::data_SetRefData(), mcObject::data_UnRef(), and mcLOG.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetSelection(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetPolynomialWrapper(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetPolynomialWrapper(), mcElement(), and phlp().

void mcElement::data_Ref const mcObject toclone  )  [virtual]

Changes the reference data but first checks that this object can safely contain the given mcElementHelpers-derived class, using the data_isValidContainerFor function.

Reimplemented from mcObject.

Definition at line 337 of file Element.cpp.

References data_CheckContainer(), and mcObject::data_Ref().

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetCoeff(), and mcMathLine::mcMathLine().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_RemoveProperty int  p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1947 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_RemoveRecursiveProperty mcElementType  t,
int  p

Definition at line 1955 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::data_RemoveRecursiveProperty().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_SetChild int  idx,
const mcElement newchild

Definition at line 1966 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::data_AddChildrenTo().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::data_Update  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in mcSymbol.

Definition at line 1988 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcSymbol::data_Update(), and mcElementHelpers::data_Update().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_DeepRecalcSize  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2055 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::gui_DeepRecalcSize().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_DeleteSelection  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in mcElementArray.

Definition at line 2049 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArray::gui_DeleteSelection(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_DeleteSelection(), and mcElementHelpers::gui_DeleteSelection().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_DeSelect  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2060 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::gui_DeSelect(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExOnSelect(), and mcMathMngHelpers::gui_OnSelect().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_DoRecalcSize  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2035 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_Draw wxDC &  dc,
int  x,
int  y,
long  flags,
const wxPoint &  pt
const [inline]

Definition at line 2013 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcText::gui_Draw(), mcTextHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_DrawBase(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_DrawBase(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExDraw(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_ExpSubDraw().

mcWRAPPER mcElement& mcElement::gui_GetActiveElem int  x,
int  y,
const wxPoint &  pt
const [inline]

Definition at line 2052 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExGetActiveElem().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetBaseOffsety int  h  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2112 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcCursorPos mcElement::gui_GetCursorPos  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2019 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_GetCursorPos mcCursorPos cp  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2017 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetCursorPos(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_GetCursorPos(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetCursorPos(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_GetExpSubCursorPos(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_Input(), and mcFunctionHelpers::gui_isBaseEndKey().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetExpDepth  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2087 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_GetSpaceBetweenRatio(), mcElementHelpers::gui_SetAsExpOf(), and mcElementHelpers::gui_SetAtSameLevelOf().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetHeight  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2081 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_CalcSizeOfRange(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_DoRecalcSize(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_Draw(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetBB(), mcRadicalHelpers::gui_GetContentOffsetY(), mcBracketHelpers::gui_GetContentOffsetY(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_GetYAnchor(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetYOf(), and mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetYOfSymbol().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetHeightOfChar wxDC *  dc,
const mcElement p
const [inline]

Definition at line 2100 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetRelCursorPos wxDC &  dc,
wxPoint *  pt
const [inline]

Definition at line 2015 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExGetRelCursorPos(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_GetBaseRelCursorPos(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_GetBaseRelCursorPos(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_GetExpSubRelCursorPos(), mcTextHelpers::gui_GetRelCursorPos(), mcMathSystem::gui_GetRelCursorPos(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetRelCursorPos(), and mcFractionHelpers::gui_GetRelCursorPos().

mcWRAPPER mcElement mcElement::gui_GetSelection  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2021 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_GetBaseSelection(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_GetSelection(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_GetSelection(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_GetSelection(), and mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MultiplyBySel().

mcWRAPPER wxSize mcElement::gui_GetSize  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2077 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcRadicalHelpers::gui_DoRecalcBaseSize(), mcBracketHelpers::gui_DoRecalcBaseSize(), mcTextHelpers::gui_DoRecalcSize(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_GetExpSubSize(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_GetSizeOfArg(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_GetSizeOfName(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint().

mcWRAPPER wxSize mcElement::gui_GetSizeOfChar wxDC *  dc = NULL,
const mcElement p = mcEmptyElement
const [inline]

Definition at line 2096 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER const mcStyle* mcElement::gui_GetStyle int  n  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2093 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER const mcStyle* mcElement::gui_GetStyleForThis  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2105 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetSubscriptOffsety int  h  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2114 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetThickness wxDC *  dc  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2110 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetWidth  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2079 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_CalcSizeOfRange(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_DoRecalcSize(), mcBracketHelpers::gui_DrawContainer(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetBB(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetXOf(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_GetXOfRightMem(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_GetXOfSeparator(), and mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetXOfSymbol().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetWidthOfChar wxDC *  dc,
const mcElement p
const [inline]

Definition at line 2102 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_GetYAnchor  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2090 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_CalcSizeOfRange(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExGetRelCursorPos(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_GetOriginOfElem(), and mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_GetYAnchor().

mcWRAPPER mcInputRes mcElement::gui_Input const mcKey ev,
mcElement newelem

Definition at line 2037 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_AddNewElement(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_BaseInput(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_BaseInput(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_ExpSubInput(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_Input(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_Input(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_Input(), mcEmptyBoxHelpers::gui_Input(), and mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_Input().

mcWRAPPER mcInsertRes mcElement::gui_Insert const mcElement toinsert,
mcElement newelem

Definition at line 2039 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_BaseInsert(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_Insert(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_Insert(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_Insert(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_Insert(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_Insert(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_Insert().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_isAllSelected  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2023 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_DeleteSelection(), and mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_DrawSelection().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_isBeginKey const mcKey ev  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2009 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_isEndKey const mcKey ev  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2011 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFunctionHelpers::gui_isBaseEndKey(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_isEndKey(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_isExpSubEndKey().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_isSelected  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2027 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFractionHelpers::gui_GetSelection().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_isSplittable  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2025 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::gui_MergeWith().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_LetInCursor mcCursorPos  code  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2072 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExMoveCursorUsingPoint().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_MergeWith const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2069 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_BackInput(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_BackInput(), and mcMonomialHelpers::gui_MergeWith().

mcWRAPPER mcMoveCursorRes mcElement::gui_MoveCursor mcMoveCursorFlag  flag,
long  modifiers

Definition at line 2043 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::data_ReplaceParentheses(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_BaseMoveCursor(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_BaseMoveCursor(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_ExpMoveCursor(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_ExpSubMoveCursor(), mcTextHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), and mcFunctionHelpers::gui_SubMoveCursor().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint wxDC &  dc,
const wxPoint &  p

Definition at line 2041 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_BaseMoveCursorUsingPoint(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExMoveCursorUsingPoint(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_ExpSubMoveCursorUsingPoint(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint(), and mcFractionHelpers::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_OnRecalcSize wxSize  old  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2033 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_OnSelect wxDC &  dc,
wxRect &  rc

Definition at line 2064 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExOnSelect(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_OnBaseSelect(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_OnSelect(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_OnSelect(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_OnSelect(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_OnSelect().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_RecalcSize  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2075 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFunctionHelpers::gui_DoRecalcBaseSize(), mcTextHelpers::gui_DoRecalcSize(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_Input(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_RecalcExpSubSize(), and mcNumberHelpers::gui_Split().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_Select  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2062 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SelectAll  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2058 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::gui_AddSubSel(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_ExOnSelect(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_ExOnSelect(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MoveSel(), and mcElementHelpers::gui_SelectAll().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SelectStyle wxDC &  dc  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2108 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SetAsExpOf const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2002 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpElementHelpers::data_CreateExpSub(), mcFunctionHelpers::data_CreateSub(), and mcExpElementHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SetAtSameLevelOf const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2004 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcTextHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth(), and mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SetCursorPos const mcCursorPos code  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2045 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::data_ReplaceParentheses(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_BackInput(), mcMonomialHelpers::gui_BackInput(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_BaseMoveCursor(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_BaseMoveCursor(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_EditBaseAndSetPos(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_EditExpSub(), mcExpElementHelpers::gui_ExpSubMoveCursor(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_Input(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_MoveCursor(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MoveCursorUsingPoint(), mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_ReplaceBracket(), mcExpContainerHelpers::gui_SetBaseCursorPos(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_SetCursorOnDen(), mcFractionHelpers::gui_SetCursorOnNum(), mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_SetCursorPos(), mcMathMngHelpers::gui_SetCursorPos(), mcFunctionHelpers::gui_SetCursorPos(), mcElementArrayHelpers::gui_SetCursorPos(), and mcMonomialHelpers::gui_Split().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SetExpDepth int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2006 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_UpdateExpDepth().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_SetStyleArray const mcStyleArray p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2031 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::gui_SetStyleArray().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::gui_Split mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2067 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::gui_DoSplit(), and mcMonomialHelpers::gui_Split().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::gui_UpdateExpDepth  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1975 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER wxString mcElement::io_GetInlinedExpr  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2309 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::gui_GetSelInlinedExpr(), mcFunctionHelpers::io_GetBaseInlinedExpr(), mcBracketHelpers::io_GetBaseInlinedExpr(), mcSystemStepArray::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcRadicalHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcPolynomialHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcMathSystemHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcMathMngHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcRange::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcFractionHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), mcExpElementHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr(), and mcElementArrayHelpers::io_GetInlinedExpr().

mcWRAPPER wxXml2Node mcElement::io_GetMathML bool  bGetPresentation  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2306 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFunctionHelpers::io_GetBaseMathML(), mcExpContainerHelpers::io_GetBaseMathML(), mcPolynomialHelpers::io_GetMathML(), mcMonomialHelpers::io_GetMathML(), mcMathSystemHelpers::io_GetMathML(), mcMathMngHelpers::io_GetMathML(), and mcFractionHelpers::io_GetMathML().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::io_ImportInlinedExpr const wxString &  str,
int *  count,
wxString &  pErr

Reimplemented in mcMathSystem.

Definition at line 2314 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcBracketHelpers::io_ImportBaseInlinedExpr(), mcPolynomialHelpers::io_ImportInlinedExpr(), mcParenthesisHelpers::io_ImportInlinedExpr(), mcMonomialHelpers::io_ImportInlinedExpr(), mcMathSystem::io_ImportInlinedExpr(), mcMathMngHelpers::io_ImportInlinedExpr(), mcFractionHelpers::io_SetDen(), and mcFractionHelpers::io_SetNum().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::io_ImportPresentationMathML wxXml2Node  tag,
wxString &  pErr

Definition at line 2312 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::io_ImportPresentationMathML(), mcMonomialHelpers::io_ImportPresentationMathML(), mcMathSystemHelpers::io_ImportPresentationMathML(), mcMathMngHelpers::io_ImportPresentationMathML(), and mcExpContainerHelpers::io_ImportPresentationMathML().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::io_isBeginChar const wxString &  str  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2303 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::io_isBeginTag const wxXml2Node &  tag  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2301 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_Add const mcElement e,
mcElement pp,
bool  add = TRUE

Definition at line 2252 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::math_Add(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_Add(), and mcExpContainerHelpers::math_Add().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_CanBeAddedWith const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2245 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::math_CanBeAddedWith(), mcExpContainerHelpers::math_CanBeAddedWith(), and mcExpElementHelpers::math_MultOrDiv().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_CanBeDivBy const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2249 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::math_CanBeDivBy(), and mcFractionHelpers::math_SimplifyFactors().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_CanBeMultWith const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2247 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::math_CanBeMultWith().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_Compare const mcElement p,
long  flags
const [inline]

Definition at line 2228 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::math_Compare(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Compare(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_Compare(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_CompareExp(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_CompareSub(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_CompareThisOnly(), mcExpContainerHelpers::math_CompareThisOnly(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_isSimilarTo(), and mcExpElementHelpers::math_MultOrDiv().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_CompareThisOnly const mcElement p,
long  flags
const [inline]

Definition at line 2230 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_Contains const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2147 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsConstants  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2161 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsInvalidSymbols  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2167 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsNumber const mcRealValue n,
const mcPolynomial exp = mcEmptyPolynomial
const [inline]

Definition at line 2155 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsOneOf const mcSymbolArray arr  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2149 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_MoveSymbols().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsParameters  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2163 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsSymbol const mcSymbolProperties p,
const mcPolynomial exp = mcEmptyPolynomial
const [inline]

Definition at line 2152 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_ContainsSymbol(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_MoveFreeFrom(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_MoveSymbol(), and mcSolver::math_PreSolve().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsSymbols  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2165 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_MoveNonSymbol(), mcBracketHelpers::math_SimplifyContents(), and math_SimplifyNeedExp().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_ContainsUnknowns  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2159 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetCoeff().

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_DivideBy const mcElement e,
mcElement pp

Definition at line 2258 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::math_DivideBaseOnlyBy(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_DivideBy(), and mcFractionHelpers::math_SimplifyFactors().

mcWRAPPER mcRealValue mcElement::math_Evaluate  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2233 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcRadicalHelpers::math_Evaluate(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_Evaluate(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Evaluate(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_Evaluate(), mcElementHelpers::math_EvaluateAt(), mcFunctionHelpers::math_EvaluateBase(), mcExpContainerHelpers::math_EvaluateBase(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_EvaluateExp(), mcNumberHelpers::math_GetGCD(), mcRange::math_GetLowerLimitValue(), mcRange::math_GetUpperLimitValue(), mcNumberHelpers::math_MultiplyBaseBy(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Simplify(), mcNumberHelpers::math_SimplifyBaseExp(), and mcExpElementHelpers::math_SimplifyExp().

mcWRAPPER mcRealValue mcElement::math_EvaluateAt const mcSymbolProperties sym,
const mcRealValue symvalue
const [inline]

Definition at line 2235 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_EvaluatesTo const mcRealValue val  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2184 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcRadicalHelpers::math_SimplifyContents().

mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes mcElement::math_Expand long  flags,
mcElement newelem

Reimplemented in mcElementArray.

Definition at line 2225 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArray::math_Expand(), mcFunctionHelpers::math_ExpandBase(), and mcMathSystemHelpers::math_ExpSimAllLines().

mcWRAPPER mcElement mcElement::math_Find int  n,
const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2125 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMng::math_Find(), and mcMathMngHelpers::math_Find().

mcWRAPPER mcElement mcElement::math_FindInChildrenOnly int  n,
const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2127 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetCountOf const mcSymbolArray arr,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2141 of file Element.h.

References math_GetCountOf(), and mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetCountOf const mcSymbolProperties sym,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2139 of file Element.h.

References math_GetCountOf(), and mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetCountOf const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2131 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_Find(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_GetCountOf(), math_GetCountOf(), and mcElementHelpers::math_GetCountOfChildrenOnly().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetCountOfChildrenOnly const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2133 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetCountOfSymbolsType const mcSymbolArray arr,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2143 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcMonomial mcElement::math_GetFactors  )  const

Reimplemented in mcPolynomial.

Definition at line 1712 of file Element.cpp.

Referenced by mcPolynomial::math_GetFactors(), and mcElementArrayHelpers::math_GetFactors().

mcMonomial mcElement::math_GetGCD const mcElement p  )  const

Definition at line 1709 of file Element.cpp.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::math_GetFactors(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetGCD(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetGCD(), mcFractionHelpers::math_GetGCD(), and mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetGCDFor().

mcMonomial mcElement::math_GetLCM const mcElement p  )  const

Definition at line 1706 of file Element.cpp.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetLCM(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetLCM(), mcFractionHelpers::math_GetLCM(), and mcExpElementHelpers::math_GetLCM().

mcWRAPPER mcRealValue mcElement::math_GetLenght  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2220 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcMathType mcElement::math_GetMathType  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2218 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFunctionHelpers::math_GetBaseMathType(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_GetMathType(), mcFractionHelpers::math_GetMathType(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_GetMathType(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_GetMathType(), and mcPolySolver::math_WorksOn().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetOrderPos  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2239 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcSymbolHelpers::math_isListedBeforeOf().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetSymbolList mcSymbol **  arr,
int  size,
mcSymbolProperties tofind
const [inline]

Definition at line 2178 of file Element.h.

References math_GetSymbolList(), and mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_GetSymbolList mcSymbol **  arr,
int  size,
const mcSymbol tofind
const [inline]

Definition at line 2176 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_GetSymbolList(), and math_GetSymbolList().

mcWRAPPER mcRealValue mcElement::math_GetTotalLenght  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2198 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcSystemStepArray::data_AddSysOnlyIfComplexEnough(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_GetTotalLenght(), mcElementHelpers::math_GetTotalLenght(), mcSystemStepArray::math_RemoveSimpleSteps(), and mcNumberHelpers::math_SimplifyBaseExp().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_isConstant  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2181 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_isConstant().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_isFinite  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2187 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcRange::math_isFinite().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_isListedBeforeOf const mcElement p  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2215 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::math_ReorderElements().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_isMaxSimplified long  flags  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2173 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_isMaxSimplified().

mcWRAPPER bool mcElement::math_isValidMath  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2212 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_MakeReciprocal mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2192 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMonomialHelpers::math_TransformDivOp().

mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes mcElement::math_MaxSimplify long  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2170 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_MultiplyBy const mcElement e,
mcElement pp

Definition at line 2256 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcExpContainerHelpers::math_MultiplyBaseOnlyBy(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_MultiplyBy(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_MultiplyBy(), and mcPolynomialHelpers::math_RaiseTo().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_NonRecursiveFindInChildren int  n,
const mcElement p,
long  flags = mcFIND_NOFLAGS
const [inline]

Definition at line 2129 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_RaiseTo const mcPolynomial p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2190 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementArrayHelpers::math_EmbedInBracketAndRaiseTo(), mcElementArrayHelpers::math_EmbedInRadicalAndRaiseTo(), mcExpContainerHelpers::math_GetRaisedContents(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcBracketHelpers::math_RemoveExp(), mcExpContainerHelpers::math_SimplifyBaseExp(), mcSymbol::operator^(), and operator^().

mcWRAPPER int mcElement::math_Replace const mcElement tofind,
int  n,
long  flags,
const mcElement replacement,
bool  bAttachChildren

Definition at line 2135 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcElementHelpers::math_EvaluateAt(), and mcMathMngHelpers::math_Replace().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SetExp const mcPolynomial p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2194 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetCoeffOf(), and mcElementHelpers::math_SetExp().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SimpleAdd const mcElement p,
bool  add = TRUE

Definition at line 2201 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_Add(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Add(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_EmbedInBracket(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_MultOrDiv(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcMonomial::operator+(), and operator+().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SimpleDivideBy const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2207 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MultiplyBySel(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Add(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_FactoreOut(), mcRadicalHelpers::math_SimplifyContents(), mcPolySolver::math_SolveLineFirstDegree(), mcMonomial::operator/(), and operator/().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SimpleMultiplyBy const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2205 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::gui_MultiplyBySel(), mcFractionHelpers::math_Add(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_DistributeBracket(), mcFractionHelpers::math_DivideBy(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_FactoreOut(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_GetBaseLCM(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetGCD(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_GetLCM(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_GetLCM(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_MultiplyBy(), mcFractionHelpers::math_MultiplyBy(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_MultOrDiv(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_PackSign(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcMonomialHelpers::math_SimplifyCoeff(), mcMonomial::operator *(), and operator *().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SimpleRaiseTo const mcPolynomial pol  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2209 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), mcFractionHelpers::math_RaiseTo(), and mcPolySolver::math_SolveLineSecondDegree().

mcWRAPPER void mcElement::math_SimpleSubtract const mcElement p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2203 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcFractionHelpers::math_Add(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_MultOrDiv(), mcMathMngHelpers::math_Subtract(), mcMonomial::operator-(), and operator-().

mcWRAPPER mcExpSimRes mcElement::math_Simplify long  flags,
mcElement newelem

Reimplemented in mcElementArray.

Definition at line 2223 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathSystemHelpers::math_ExpSimAllLines(), mcPolynomialHelpers::math_Simplify(), mcExpElementHelpers::math_Simplify(), mcElementArray::math_Simplify(), and mcFunctionHelpers::math_SimplifyBase().

mcWRAPPER mcBasicOpRes mcElement::math_Subtract const mcElement e,
mcElement pp

Definition at line 2254 of file Element.h.

References mcWRAPPER.

Referenced by mcMathMngHelpers::math_Subtract().

mcElement::mcDEFINE_HLP_GETTER mcElement   )  [inline]

Returns a pointer to a new object identical to the current element.

Derived classes must implement this function creating a new identical mcElement and returning it. See also mcIMPLEMENT_CLONE_FNC macro for a quick way to create this function.

A pointer to a new element which must be deleted by the caller

Definition at line 1860 of file Element.h.

References chlp(), and mcElement().

mcElement mcElement::operator * const mcElement m  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2267 of file Element.h.

References math_SimpleMultiplyBy().

mcElement& mcElement::operator *= const mcElement m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2292 of file Element.h.

mcElement mcElement::operator+ const mcElement m  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2273 of file Element.h.

References math_SimpleAdd().

mcElement& mcElement::operator+= const mcElement m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2290 of file Element.h.

mcElement mcElement::operator- const mcElement m  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2271 of file Element.h.

References math_SimpleSubtract().

mcElement& mcElement::operator-= const mcElement m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2291 of file Element.h.

mcElement mcElement::operator/ const mcElement m  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 2269 of file Element.h.

References math_SimpleDivideBy().

mcElement& mcElement::operator/= const mcElement m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2293 of file Element.h.

mcElement mcElement::operator^ const mcRealValue m  )  const

Definition at line 1107 of file Element.cpp.

References math_RaiseTo().

mcElement mcElement::operator^ const mcPolynomial m  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in mcSymbol.

Definition at line 2276 of file Element.h.

References math_RaiseTo().

mcElement& mcElement::operator^= const mcRealValue m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 2287 of file Element.h.

mcElement& mcElement::operator^= const mcPolynomial m  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in mcSymbol.

Definition at line 2285 of file Element.h.

mcElementHelpers* mcElement::phlp  )  [inline]

Returns a private copy of the associated mcElement.

If this class is sharing it with another mcElement, then this function makes a personal copy for our private uses.

Reimplemented in mcMathLine.

Definition at line 1820 of file Element.h.

References data_MakePrivateCopy().

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