This page and the following linked here have been written by hand; all the other pages were extracted from the sources' comments by Doxygen. You can find links to these pages also in " Related Pages" section.
To get the most updated version of this documentation, you have to download the CVS module of MathCore (you can find instructions to do this here) and then refer to the .\docs\ReadMe.html file.
Note: usually, not all the documents below (those written manually) are completely up-to-date; ask to the admin or to the mailing list if you want the detailed list of currently updated documents.
Allow access to all the project documentation (only if this is the complete CVS module "all") | |
The most important document which also guides the reader through the following links. | |
Some basic info on... | |
...what is MathCore | |
...the input system of MathCore | |
...the math engine of this library | |
Useful graphs and examples | |
Another useful graph | |
The math behind MathCore | |
The programmers who works or worked on MathCore |
[ Top ] |