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src Directory Reference



file  AddSubOp.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcAddSubOp class.
file  BisectSolver.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcBisectSolver class.
file  Bracket.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcBracket, mcBracketData, mcBracketGUI, mcBracketHelpers::io_, mcBracketMath classes.
file  Decoration.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcDecoration, mcDecorationData, mcDecorationGUI, mcDecorationIO, mcDecorationMath classes.
file  Element.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcElement, mcElementData, mcElementGUI, mcElementIO, mcElementMath classes.
file  ElementArray.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcFilter, mcElementArray, mcElementArrayData mcElementArrayGUI, mcElementArrayIO, mcElementArrayMath classes.
file  EmptyBox.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcEmptyBox, mcEmptyBoxData, mcEmptyBoxGUI, mcEmptyBoxIO, mcEmptyBoxMath classes.
file  ExpContainer.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcExpContainer, mcExpContainerData, mcExpContainerGUI, mcExpContainerIO, mcExpContainerMath classes.
file  ExpElement.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcExpElement, mcExpElementData, mcExpElementGUI mcExpElementIO, mcExpElementMath classes.
file  Fraction.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcFraction, mcFractionData, mcFractionGUI, mcFractionIO, mcFractionMath classes.
file  Function.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcFunction, mcFunctionData, mcFunctionGUI, mcFunctionIO, mcFunctionMath classes.
file  GenericSolver.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcSimplifySolver and mcExpandSolver classes.
file  MathAndSystem.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathAndSystemHelpers and mcMathAndSystem classes.
file  MathCore.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathCore class.
file  MathHelpers.cpp [code]
 Implements various classes (see MathHelpers.h).
file  MathLine.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathLine class.
file  MathMng.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathMng class.
file  MathOrSystem.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathOrSystemHelpers and mcMathOrSystem classes.
file  MathSystem.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathOrSystem and mcMathAndSystem classes.
file  MathTypes.cpp [code]
 Contains the .
file  MathUtils.cpp [code]
 math_Contains utility functions and macros.
file  Monomial.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMonomial class.
file  MultDivOp.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMultDivOp class.
file  Number.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcNumber, mcNumberData, mcNumberGUI, mcNumberIO, mcNumberMath classes.
file  Object.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcObject and mcObjectRefData classes.
file  Operator.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcOperator class.
file  Parenthesis.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcParenthesis, mcParenthesisData, mcParenthesisGUI, mcParenthesisIO, mcParenthesisMath classes.
file  Polynomial.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcPolynomial class.
file  PolySolver.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcPolySolver class.
file  Radical.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcRadical, mcRadicalData, mcRadicalGUI, mcRadicalIO, mcRadicalMath classes.
file  Solver.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcSolver class.
file  Symbol.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcSymbol, mcSymbolData, mcSymbolGUI, mcSymbolIO, mcSymbolMath classes.
file  Text.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcText, mcTextData, mcTextGUI, mcTextIO, mcTextMath classes.
file  Value.cpp [code]
 Implements the mcMathMng class.

Documentation generated with Doxygen on Sun Feb 6 17:13:20 2005
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