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MathCore, MathGUI and MathStudio changes in past/present/future versions

This page contains a list of the technical changes made to the program by the development team since the creation of the project, 6 September 2002, and the new features expected for future versions.

Anyway, this is a general list of the features which will be added and the main features which were added; for a more technical list, please refer to the TODO list included in the Developer's Guide.

Version 0.9
Version 0.8

Future versions

Version 0.7.2
Version 0.6
Version 0.5

Current versions

Version 0.9

Version 0.8 - planned for 1-3-2005

Version 0.7.2 - released 6-2-2005

Version 0.6 - released 25-12-2003

Version 0.5 - released 14-5-2003

Page last modified on Monday, 14-Feb-2005 20:16:39 UTC
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