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Sources downloads

This page contains the links to the sources of MathCore and MathGUI, two powerful C++ LGPL-ed libraries, and MathStudio, the GPL-ed program based on these libraries.
Since this website is not updated very very often (it's not so easy to follow the "release often" open source philosophy !), if you need to download the most updated sources, maybe because they contain some bug-fixes or some new feature, then you should use the CVS protocol: that's why I put some small notes about CVS download in this page.

Click one of the following links to reach Sourceforge.net download page. Then, choose one of the mirror and the download should begin immediately.

NOTE: if you just want to try out the program, you should download the binaries only (linked here); sources need to be compiled in order to be executed !

NOTE #2: if you want to download the sources of previous versions, then you should go to Sourceforge.net downloads page since only the sources for the latest releases are linked here.

MathCore, MathGUI & MathStudio version 0.7.2 - latest available release
CVS module - latest public sources

Sources of MathCore version 0.7.2





MathCore packages containing the sources, the test programs and the Developer's Guide.

After the download, unzip/untar the package, and then read the 'Install.html' file placed in the main root.

Sources of MathGUI version 0.7.2





MathGUI packages containing the sources, the sample programs and the Developer's Guide.

After the download, unzip/untar the package, and then read the 'Install.html' file placed in the main root.

Sources of MathStudio version 0.7.2





MathStudio packages containing the sources and the User's Guide.

After the download, unzip/untar the package, and then read the 'Install.html' file placed in the main root.

Sources of MathCore, MathGUI and MathStudio (ALL package) version 0.7.2



A single package containing both MathCore, MathGUI and MathStudio as they are used by MathStudio programmers.

After the download, unzip/untar the package, and then read the 'Install.html' files placed in the folders of MathCore, MathGUI and MathStudio modules.

The LIBS package version 1.4

libs-1.4-msvc.zip (for MSVC 6.0)

libs-1.4-borland.zip (for Borland 5.5)

libs-1.4-mingw.zip (for Mingw 3.2.3)

libs-1.4-autoconf.tar.gz (for GCC 3.2)

Contains the headers and the precompiled binaries of all libraries (except wxWidgets which is too big to distribute) required to compile MathCore, MathGUI and MathStudio.

After the download, unzip/untar the package, and then read the 'Readme.txt' file placed in the package root folder.

How to download the CVS modules

If you want to download the latest MathCore, MathGUI or MathStudio documentation & sources, you need to use CVS.

This is not a guide to the usage of CVS: you can find a lot of good tutorials in some more specialized places ! (like, for example, at SF.net). This is only a little start guide for the checkout procedure (that is, the download of a copy of the sources) both under GNU/Linux and Win32.

Before starting, maybe you'll want to give a look to the CVS module of MathStudio using ViewCVS.

CVS checkout in GNU/Linux

On Unix-like environments like GNU/Linux systems, CVS is installed by default; thus, the following istructions assume that you already have a CVS client.

The procedure is really short: just browse into the folder you want to create the directory containing the sources (if you are working in a graphical environment like Gnome or KDE open a terminal window and use bash commands) and type:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mathstudio checkout all
...to checkout a copy of ALL sources (but you can use "...checkout all/mathcore" or "...checkout all/mathgui" to check only a specific library)

A long output should be generated. Now, if you type 'ls', you should see a new directory named "all" containing all the sources of the project; see 'Install.html' in the subfolders of "all" for info about the procedure required to compile the project's libraries and/or program.

CVS checkout in Win32

Windows© does not have an installed CVS client by default but do exist a lot of open source CVS clients: here, we refer to TortoiseCVS, an easy-to-use fast and open source program, but you can use the information below to configure any other CVS client.

In TortoiseCVS just browse to the folder where you want to create the folder which will contain all the project files and then right click on an empty area of explorer; then, choose 'CVS checkout' command and enter the following data:

- protocol

password server (:pserver:)

- server


- repository folder


- user name


- module

"all/mathcore", "all/mathgui", "all/mathstudio"
or just "all" if you want to download all the sources

At this point the CVSROOT displayed by the program should be:


Now, just click "OK" and wait while TortoiseCVS downloads the sources. You should now have a new directory called 'all' on your hard disk. See the 'Install.html' file in the subfolders of the project to learn the procedure required to compile the program.

Page last modified on Monday, 14-Feb-2005 20:17:13 UTC
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