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mgOptBasePanel Class Reference

#include <OptBasePanel.h>

Inheritance diagram for mgOptBasePanel:

mgOptFontSettingsPanel mgOptGeneralPanel mgOptKeyBindingsPanel List of all members.

Detailed Description

The Edit | Options dialog box: optionwxT('s panel')s base class.

L. Cattani
This is the base class for option's panels in the dialog box. When writing a new option's panel, derive from this class and override the CommitChanges and Setup virtual function.

Classes derived from this class should only define the default constructor that should not do anything. In particular, the default ctor should not set window's properties such as fonts or background color nor it does not create any child window.

This is because classes derived from mgOptBasePanel are instantiated dynamically at run-time using the ::wxCreateDynamicObject function that accepts a string as a parameter: the string represents the class name of the object to be instantiated.

But that function only accepts one parameter, the class name, so you do not have the possibility to pass parameters to the ctor of the class. In fact, only objects with the default ctor can be instantiated dynamically.

As a conseguence, the default ctor of the panel calls the default ctor of wxWindow class and derivates. The default ctor of the wxWindow's windows objects inits their internal structure but does not create the underlying GUI structures (that is window handle and GTK widgets) so that it is not possibile to set properties or to create child windows. The underlying structures are created with the Create function.

So, the mgOptDlg::CreatePanel function, which is responsible to create the mgOptBasePanel -derived class from the class name constructs the object dynamically (default ctor) then calls wxPanel::Create to fully create the underlying GUI structure and then the virtual mgOptBasePanel::Setup function in which the programmer inserts code to setup the layout of the panel, change window's property, create child controls, etc

Althrough the dynamic instantation is, by now, not used, I want to used this organization: maybe in the future I will used it.

To add a new panel in the mgOptDlg class you have to:

For example, to add the MySettings panel in the dialog do:

   mgOptionsTreeCtrl.cpp (ctor)
   wxTreeItemId newId = AppendItem(
         idRoot,        // the parent item of this item (root if applicable)
         wxT("MySettings"),  // the label of the item, passed as parameter in
                        // mgOptBasePanel::Setup() function
         -1, -1,        // icons for tree nodes
         new mgOptTreeCtrlItemData(          // the item-data structure
         Id_MySettingsClass ) );            // the class ID of the panel

then write your specialized MySettingsClassName class derived from this class

Definition at line 116 of file OptBasePanel.h.

Public Member Functions

 mgOptBasePanel ()
 Constructor - it does nothing at all.
virtual ~mgOptBasePanel ()
 Destructor - It does nothing at all.
virtual mgOptDlg::mgOptChangedType CommitChanges (wxConfig *config)=0
 Commits the changes made by the user.
virtual void Setup (const wxString &itemLabel)=0
 The alter ego of the constructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual mgOptDlg::mgOptChangedType mgOptBasePanel::CommitChanges wxConfig *  config  )  [pure virtual]

Commits the changes made by the user.

The virtual function is called with a pointer to a wxConfig object by the mgOptDlg::CommitChanges function when the user clicks the OK or Apply button.

The function should change the variables used by MathCore and MathGUI in order to reflect changes in the configuration. In other words, if the user changed the font family and / or size this function should delete the font object used by the application and replace it with a new font ehich caracteristics are those specified by the user and store the pointer of the newly created font object in the MathCore library.

There is no need for the function to store the settings in the configuration objevt because they will be stored automatically at program exit in CMathApp::OnExit() function.

In order to refresh the application apareance when the user changes options settings (such as a font), the function returns a constant value, which is an enum, that represent what aspect of the application is to be refreshed. It is the caller responsability to do the actual work.

See also:
mgOptDlg::CommitChanges mgOptDlg::mgOptChangedType

Implemented in mgOptFontSettingsPanel, mgOptGeneralPanel, and mgOptKeyBindingsPanel.

Referenced by mgOptDlg::CommitChanges().

virtual void mgOptBasePanel::Setup const wxString &  itemLabel  )  [pure virtual]

The alter ego of the constructor.

This function is the real ctor of the class. It is called from mgOptDlg::CreatePanel function just after the dynamic istantiation of the class and after calling wxPanel::Create.

As you cannot set properies for the panel such as fonts, background color atc. in the class's ctor you have to set them in this function.

The itemLabel string contains the label of the treelist's item associated with this option's panel.

The default implementation of this class just creates a wxStaticBoxSizer equal to the size of the panel and sets its label as the treelist's item's label. Specialized derived classes should construct the child controls and the sizer or layout constarints objects to be bounded to childs.

Implemented in mgOptFontSettingsPanel, mgOptGeneralPanel, and mgOptKeyBindingsPanel.

Referenced by mgOptDlg::CreatePanel().

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Documentation generated with Doxygen on Sun Feb 6 17:19:27 2005
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