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mcIntegerValue Member List

This is the complete list of members for mcIntegerValue, including all inherited members.

abs() const mcIntegerValue [inline]
Cleanup()mcValue [static]
GCD(const mcIntegerValue &n) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
GetComb(const mcIntegerValue &n1, const mcIntegerValue &n2)mcIntegerValue [inline, static]
GetFlags() const =0mcValue [pure virtual]
GetInt() const mcValue [inline, virtual]
GetLong() const =0mcValue [pure virtual]
GetMax(const mcIntegerValue &n) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
GetMin(const mcIntegerValue &n) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
GetStr() const mcIntegerValue [virtual]
Init()mcValue [static]
isInteger() const mcIntegerValue [inline, virtual]
isNAN() const mcValue [inline]
isNegInf() const mcValue [inline]
isPosInf() const mcValue [inline]
isPrimeTo(const mcIntegerValue &n) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
isValid() const mcValue [inline]
LCM(const mcIntegerValue &n) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
m_nMaxValueSharingmcValue [static]
math_AddFlag(int n)mcValue [inline]
math_isFinite() const mcValue [inline]
mcIntegerValue(const mcRationalValue &m)mcIntegerValue
mcIntegerValue(const mcRealValue &m)mcIntegerValue
mcValue()mcValue [inline]
mcVALUE_DEFINE_ALLOPERATORS(mcIntegerValue, mcMPZ, mpz)mcIntegerValue
mcVALUE_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTORS(mcIntegerValue, mcMPZ)mcIntegerValue
mcVALUE_DEFINE_COW(mcMPZ, mpz)mcIntegerValue [private]
mcVALUE_DEFINE_GETSET(mcIntegerValue, mpz)mcIntegerValue
operator int() const mcValue [inline]
operator long() const mcValue [inline]
operator unsigned long()mcValue [inline]
pNANmcIntegerValue [static]
pNegInfmcIntegerValue [static]
pOnemcIntegerValue [static]
pow(unsigned long int exp) const mcIntegerValue [inline]
pPosInfmcIntegerValue [static]
pZeromcIntegerValue [static]
SetFlags(int n)=0mcValue [pure virtual]
SetInt(int n)mcValue [inline, virtual]
SetLong(long n)=0mcValue [pure virtual]
SetStr(const wxString &str, int base=10)=0mcValue [pure virtual]
~mcValue()mcValue [inline, virtual]

Documentation generated with Doxygen on Sun Feb 6 17:12:42 2005
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